Ketogenic diet, cancer and why it’s hard to get theDietary patterns and their potential role in preserving the health are extremely hard to study:... Ketogenic diet, cancer and why it’s hard to get the scientific evidence
Small LDL particles – the true risk factor!Worldwide, coronary artery disease is one of the leading causes of premature death. Early detection... Small LDL particles – the true risk factor!
Benefits of ketosis for breast cancer patientsIdeally, even healthy people take care about what they eat, but the care about nutrients... Benefits of ketosis for breast cancer patients
Ketogenic diet for children with autism spectrum disorderThe scientific proofs about the beneficial effects of ketogenic nutritional patterns with autism spectrum disorders... Ketogenic diet for children with autism spectrum disorders
Glucose profile: key to choosing the right dietPeople can handle intake of carbs differently, but there's more of us who can benefit from carb-restriction. Glucose profile: key to choosing the right diet
Not all “high fat” diets are high in fat enoughHigh fat content doesn't automatically translate to LCHF! Not all “high fat” diets are high in fat enough
Eggs are (basically) THE superfoodEggs seem to be a subject of many dilemmas. Which came first: the egg or... Eggs are (basically) THE superfood
Dietary guidelines on total fat and saturated fat? Wrong!Dietary guidelines were first introduced in the US in the early 80’s and then spread... Dietary guidelines on total fat and saturated fat? Wrong!