Gašper Grom: IFBB Masters Athlete, BSc Dietitian, IFBB International Judge and IFBB Advanced Bodybuilding and Fitness Trainer
Although educating the public about the LCHF / keto nutrition has been my main focus in the past few years, I have always been and always will be intimately dedicated to the fitness sports.
I first set foot in a gym in 1989 and it was a love at first sight. I didn’t know at that time, but my life became totally entangled with the sports. Not only did I establish supplements business a few years later, but I also became a trainer, competitor, judge and competition organizer.
Having seen all sides of the business and sports of fitness, I have a lot to give.
If you are looking for help with body transformation, you have come to the right place! Knowledge holds the power, secrets are for amateurs!
My Services
To see comparison of all the packs, please see Coaching pricelist
FITNESS meal plan
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FITNESS workout plan
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FITNESS meal and workout plan
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FITNESS meal plan +
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FITNESS meal and workout plan +
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A monthly online support after the first one
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Individual consultation for 2
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Individual consultation
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